How do you get the penis into the vagina?

How do you get the penis into the vagina?

When you are ready, one of you can use your hand to gently guide the penis into the vagina. Take your time, and do not worry if it takes time to get it in properly – especially when you are still getting to know each other's bodies.

How should you approach penetration?

Once the penis is inside, you can move your body so that the penis pushes into the vagina and then pulls partly out again. Do what comes naturally and feels good - take it slowly, be gentle and make sure you are both comfortable.

What should you keep in mind during intercourse?

After a while, you might find certain movements, positions, and ways of touching that lead to one or both of you having an orgasm. Remember: just because you started something does not mean you have to continue. You or your partner can pause or stop at any time if you are not comfortable.

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