When should I put on a condom?

When should I put on a condom?

When it comes to safe sex practices, using condoms correctly is crucial. Whether you are using an external (male) condom or an internal (female) condom, following the proper steps is essential for protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.

How to Use an External (Male) Condom

1. Make sure you are both aroused and ready for sex before putting on the condom.

2. Only put a condom on an erect penis. It should be put on before any genital contact occurs.

3. Either partner can put the condom on. Pinch the tip of the condom to leave space for semen and roll it down the erect penis.

4. Use a new condom every time you have sex. If you switch from anal to vaginal sex, change the condom to prevent the spread of bacteria.

How to Use an Internal (Female) Condom

1. The internal condom can be inserted up to eight hours before sex, giving you more flexibility in your sexual activities.

2. Carefully insert the closed end of the condom into the vagina, leaving the open end outside to cover the vulva.

3. Make sure the condom is not twisted and that it stays in place during intercourse.

4. After sex, remove the condom by twisting the outer ring and gently pulling it out.

Remember, using condoms consistently and correctly is key to protecting yourself and your partner during sexual activity. If used properly, condoms are highly effective in preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies. Stay informed and prioritize your sexual health by practicing safe sex every time.

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